* ME *
gamer(not hardcore)

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* frens *
ACS(I) Guitar Ensemble blog
2.9'06 class blog
Walter Yeo
Ben Cher
Brandon Ang
Marcus Chan
Bro(under development)
Zi Shing
Si Hui
Chin Hian
Daniel Chan
Michelle Goh
Jing Shen
Ti Wern

* archives *
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007

* credits *
design | LyLe
image | kasy
macromedia dreamweaver mx
adobe photoshop cs2

do not remove the credits!
remove it and u'll ded

* Monday, April 23, 2007 *

At least until exams are over

i am who i am
5:58 AM
* Tuesday, April 10, 2007 *
Today for some random reason i went to Nick Chan and asked him whether he had cr8ted his dwarf hunter on barthilas. Here is what he said today( or what i can roughly rmb)

Me: Chan did you create ur dwarf hunter on barhilas yet?
Nick Chan: Ya
Me: Wad lvl is it?
Nick Chan: 2. But when i play i always get disconnected.
Me: Did you even try restarting wow or your computer?

Nick Chan: You think i didn't? I restarted wow, i restarted my computer. I even did a bacteria scan on my computer....

At this point i was like -.- then he said:" Uh.... uh..... virus scan. Yeah virus scan." Wth.

The rest of the day was mostly nothing, except i forgot to bring my chinese workbook and that i nearly fell asleep during chem, again.

i am who i am
6:19 AM
* Tuesday, April 03, 2007 *
Yay had Napfa 2day.

Was gonna do sit ups with Shaun/Shawn/SS i couldn't be bothered to find out how to spell his name, but Ching took his spot. Which was okay. Sit ups were too easy, but full of surprises.

I still cant believe Jing Shen did 43 sit ups and got an a for that............ Go Jing Shen!
Standing broad jump was kind of stupid cause i jumped 2.09m then i lost balance and fell forward-_-'' I wonder what grade is that if ur 15yrs old?

Oh, i forgot to wear my wrist guard 2day but i dont think i really need it anymore. Pull ups were hard. I only did 4 cause i just recovered from my sprained wrist, then Shawn actioned and purposely did 1 more pull up than me and claimed that he got fever-.-

I wonder wads my 2.4 timing gonna be? I also wonder what my sit and reach and my shuttle run will be.....

i am who i am
6:09 AM
* Sunday, April 01, 2007 *
I hate the retard sitting next to me in class, does nothing except tok cock and take up space with his sling bag -_-''

Enough abt that retard. Went through wailing caverns wif ching and twix and ended up with twix ninjaing(not sure abt the spelling) the blue items even though he has the items because of his"U slow not my problem" logic. And this happened on fri night, then i discovered that i still have serpentbloom and 1 more deviate shambler to kill. So Ching was kind enough to go with me again to help me look for the things again today, sadly had to go to church and missed my chance of getting the venomstrike or wadeva the bow's name is...

I havent done my english homework yet.

i am who i am
6:03 AM